Johana Morales SPRING 2023 ENGLISH 2103
Reflection: Collaborative Research Project

Reflection: Collaborative Research Project

Writing and coming up with this story with my group was a very fun experience. At first we were confused on how a topic like Genetic Engineering could even be explained to little kids. But after a lot of thinking, we were able to come up with this wonderful story. It was very challenging because we all had different schedules and some of us were busy when others weren’t, so we definitely could have worked on that more. It’s not really easy to work in groups. We all had many ideas, and we tried to be fair and put everyone’s ideas into consideration. Although I prefer to work alone, this group project taught me to engage with people more outside of class, to be more patient, and to listen to other people’s ideas and compare them to my ideas. Overall, my group and I are very proud of this project and how nicely everything came together. Would definitely love to do a project like this again.